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The CDC 2016 is offering 15 full-day and 3 half-day pre-conference workshops on Sunday, December 11, 2016, addressing current and future topics in control systems from experts from academia, research institutes, and industry.

In the following the list of Workshops is reported together with the names of the organizers, the name of the speakers, the abstract, the target audience, and a detailed agenda of the event.

Questions can be directed to the Workshop Chair, Prof. Carla Seatzu (
List of Workshops Offered at the 55th CDC

Full-Day Workshops

Half-Day Workshops

Workshops Description

WS01 - Continuous Higher-Order Sliding-Mode Controllers

Organizers: Leonid Fridman (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico), Jaime A. Moreno (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)

Speakers: Leonid Fridman (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico), Jaime A. Moreno (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico), Vadim Utkin (Ohio State University, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 8

Abstract: Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is a well established robust control technique aiming at eliminating the effect of bounded matched perturbations/uncertainties by means of discontinuous controllers. The classical First Order Sliding Mode Control (FOSMC) requires sliding surfaces of relative degree one (r=1), while High Order Sliding Mode Control (HOSMC) allows sliding surfaces of arbitrary relative degree r. Since chattering has been a major drawback for sliding mode controllers, recently a new family of so called Continuous Sliding Mode Controllers (CSMC) have been developed. Such controllers generate a continuous control signal, ensuring, for systems with relative degree r, finite-time convergence to the (r+1)-th sliding-mode set using only information on the sliding output and its derivatives up to the order (r-1). For analysis of stability, estimation of convergence time and gain design of CSMC new methods for construction of strict Lyapunov Functions (LF) will be presented. By means of Polya's theorem and Sum of Squares methods the analysis and design can be reduced to (Linear Matrix) Inequality Systems, which can be solved using available software tools. We present also Lyapunov based design of CSM algorithms in realistic scenarios: state dependent uncertainties, uncertainties in control gains and saturation. The possibility of adaptation of CSM controllers will be discussed, and frequency based analysis of chattering in the systems driven by CSM algorithms is introduced.

Target Audience: The target audience consists of graduate students, researchers, and practitioners from industry, academia, and government, interested in Robust Control for linear and nonlinear systems. Knowledge of non linear control at the level of e.g. Khalil’s book is a prerequisite for successful participation in the workshop.

Click here for the PDF version of the Workshop program.


WS02 - Dynamics and Control in Social Networks

Organizers: Anton Proskurnikov (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), Russia), Roberto Tempo (CNR-IEIIT, Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Speakers: Francesco Bullo (University of California Santa Barbara, USA), Giacomo Como (Lund University, Sweden, and Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Paolo Frasca (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, GIPSA-lab, F-38000 Grenoble, France), Yiguang Hong (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Anton V. Proskurnikov (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), Russia), Roberto Tempo (CNR-IEIIT, Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 1

Abstract: Whereas structural properties of social networks, represented by graphs of social ties, have been thoroughly studied in the framework of Social Network Analysis, the dynamics over these graphs are mostly uncovered by a general theory. The main reasons were, on one hand, the lack of mathematical models, describing social processes, and on the other hand, the absence of relevant mathematical tools for their examination. The situation has dramatically changed due to the recent tremendous progress in multi-agent control and complex networks theory, enabling to cope with dynamics of large-scale social networks. Unlike many natural and engineered complex networks, social communities rarely demonstrate regular cooperative behavior like consensus, but exhibit persistent disagreement. Their non-trivial and rich dynamics, and the related system-theoretic properties, are currently attracting an increasing attention.

The goal of the proposed workshop is to provide an introduction to the rapidly growing area of dynamics and control in social networks for the broad community of systems and control theorists and practitioners interested in complex networks and social systems. Along with classical topics, such as the bounded confidence models, a number of emergent models and trends will be covered, including the dynamics of reflected appraisals, opinion dynamics with stubborn agents, opinion formation with imprecise/quantized communications and social networks with antagonistic interactions.

Target Audience: The proposed workshop is oriented to an interdisciplinary audience interested in systems and control, dynamics of complex networks, agent-based modeling and social sciences. The workshop audience is not expected to have any advanced background in social dynamics and networks theory. A basic knowledge of linear/nonlinear system theory, probability theory and graph-theoretic concepts is useful.



WS03 - A Third of a Century in Systems and Control: a Workshop Dedicated to Tryphon T. Georgiou’s 60th Birthday

Organizers: Yongxin Chen (University of Minnesota, USA), Johan Karlsson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Anders Lindquist (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, China)

Speakers: John Doyle (California Institute of Technology, USA), Ian Fialho, (Boeing, USA), Mihailo Jovanovic (University of Minnesota, USA), Pramod Khargonekar (University of Florida, USA), Anders Lindquist (Shanghai Jiao Tong University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, China), Ali Nasiri Amini (Google, USA), Lipeng Ning (Harvard Medical School, USA), Anders Rantzer (Lund University, Sweden), Murti Salapaka (University of Minnesota, USA), Rodolphe Sepulchre (University of Cambridge, England), Jeff Shamma (Georgia Institute of Technology & King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, USA), Malcolm Smith (University of Cambridge, England), Allen Tannenbaum (Stony Brook University, USA), Mathukumalli Vidyasagar, (University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Yutaka Yamamoto (Kyoto University, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Ironwood 6

Abstract: This workshop is being organized to celebrate Professor Tryphon T. Georgiou's 60th birthday and honor the key contributions that he has made to several important problems in systems and control theory. This workshop brings together his colleagues and former students who will present a broad range of topics related to systems and control theory. In particular, the speakers will present topics on networks, big data, and control theory as well as personal reminiscences from Tryphon's career. The goal of this workshop is to inspire a future generation of research leaders to pursue work that promotes excellence.

Target Audience: All are welcomed to join this celebration of Professor Georgiou's 60th birthday.



WS04 - Half a Century of Progress in Teams, Games and Control - A workshop dedicated to Tamer Basar's 70th birthday

Organizers: Gürdal Arslan (University of Hawaii, USA), R. Srikant (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA), Serdar Yüksel (Queen's University, USA), Ji Liu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Speakers: John Baillieul (Boston University, USA), Bob Bitmead (University of California, San Diego, USA), Francesco Bullo (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Peter E. Caines (McGill University, USA), Miroslav Krstić (University of California, San Diego, USA), Alexander B. Kurzhanski (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), A. Stephen Morse (Yale University, USA), Asu Ozdaglar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), H. Vincent Poor (Princeton University, USA), Roberto Tempo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), John N. Tsitsiklis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Venugopal V. Veeravalli (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 11

Abstract: This workshop is being organized to celebrate Professor Tamer Başar's 70th birthday and honor his multiple long-lasting contributions in games, networks and control theory. This workshop brings together his colleagues who will present a broad range of contemporary topics in different areas of systems, games and control theory. One further main goal of this workshop is to inspire a future generation of researchers in these vibrant and diverse research areas.

Target Audience: All are welcomed to join this meeting.



WS05 - Model Predictive Control in Cascade System Architecture: Design, Implementation and Applications Using MATLAB

Organizers: Liuping Wang (RMIT University, Australia), Dr Craig Buhr (MathWorks)

Speakers: Liuping Wang (RMIT University, Australia), Dr Craig Buhr (MathWorks)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Ironwood 1

This workshop is partially sponsored by MathWorks.

Abstract: Model Predictive Control (MPC) has a long history in the field of control engineering. It is one of the few areas that has received on-going interest from researchers in both the industrial and academic communities. Three major aspects of model predictive control make the design methodology attractive to both engineers and academics. The first aspect is the design formulation, which uses a completely multivariable system framework where the performance parameters of the multivariable control system are related to the engineering aspects of the system; hence, they can be understood and 'tuned' by engineers. The second aspect is the ability of method to handle both 'soft' constraints and hard constraints in a multivariable control framework. This is particularly attractive to industry where tight profit margins and limits on the process operation are inevitably present. The third aspect is the ability to perform process on-line optimization.

In many applications, MPC is designed in a cascade system architecture where there is a primary control objective combined with a secondary control objective. The advantages of MPC in a cascade structure include simplification of the design, effectively handling nonlinearities and parameter variations through feedback control, reducing computational costs using dual sampling rate, imposing operational constraints on the secondary process variables, and improving characteristics of disturbance rejection.

Using real-world applications and simulation examples, this one-day workshop will show the four steps involved in the design of model predictive control in cascade control system architecture: (i) selection of primary and secondary variables and configurations of cascade model predictive control; (ii) design of inner-loop and outer-loop predictive control systems; (iii) the design of constrained predictive control systems in cascade structure using quadratic programming algorithms; (iv) simulation and experimental validation of the cascade predictive control system with constraints using MATLAB® and Simulink® as a platform.

Target Audience: The core material of this workshop, based on the books entitled ‘Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation using MATLAB’ (Springer, 2009) and ‘PID and Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Converters using MATLAB and Simulink’ (Wiley-IEEE PRESS, 2015) by the first speaker, and is suitable for engineers, students and researchers who wish to gain basic knowledge about predictive control as well as understand how to perform real time simulation and implementation using MATLAB and Simulink tools.

Click here for the PDF version of the Workshop program.


WS06 - Verification and Control of Cyber-physical Systems: Theory and Applications

Organizers: Axel Busboom (GE Global Research Europe, Munich, Germany), Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Speakers: Matthias Althoff (Technical University Munich, Germany), John S. Baras (University of Maryland, USA), Mauricio Castillo-Effen (GE Global Research, USA), Kerstin Eder (University of Bristol, UK), Karl Henrik Johansson (KTH Stockholm, Sweden), George J. Pappas (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Alessandro Pinto (United Technologies Research Center, USA), Olaf Stursberg (University of Kassel, Germany)

Time and Location: 9:15 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 2

Abstract: This one-day workshop highlights recent advances and developments in the field of cyber-physical systems (CPSs), motivated by emerging applications involving autonomous systems such as automated vehicles and robotic systems.

A concise, yet comprehensive, exposition to verification and control of complex CPS’s will be provided, with an in depth understanding of the challenges posed by their hybrid dynamics, interconnected and distributed nature, the presence of exogenous and/or endogenous uncertainty affecting their evolution, their safety and operational critical nature, and with a wide coverage of possible solution methodologies.

The goal is to expose attendees to cutting edge research in the field, with an eye on both theory and applications, and to encourage the development of new results and the investigation of several important issues in the future of complex CPSs design, promoting novel collaborations. To this purpose, outstanding researchers from leading industries and universities worldwide are brought together to offer their vistas on the field.

Target Audience: The target audience comprises graduate level control engineers as well as researchers with a strong interest in systems and control theory, either form a theoretical or an application point of view.



WS07 - Rich Data Backed Control and Optimization for Smart Cities

Organizers: Rong Su, (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)

Speakers: Christos G. Cassandras (Boston University, USA), Tariq Samad (University of Minnesota/Honeywell, USA), Karl H. Johansson (KTH, Sweden), Costas Spanos (University of California, USA), Ardalan Vahidi (Clemson University, USA), Cedric Langbort (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, USA), Yong Liang Guan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Necmiye Ozay (University of Michigan, USA), Yilin Mo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Fei Miao (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Rong Su (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)

Time and Location: 8:20 AM - 6:00 PM, Ironwood 7

Abstract: A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a citys assets. The goal of building a smart city is to improve quality of life by using technology to improve the efficiency of services and meet residents needs. Control and optimization techniques have been playing a major role in this grand endeavour. In this workshop several active researchers in this field will report their recent technical progresses at both individual and program levels on transportation systems, smart buildings, cyber-security, formal synthesis in power management, and some visionary discussions on the role of cybernetics and domain integration, aiming to showcase some recent achievements and at the same time identify challenges ahead in order to arouse more interests and efforts at a broader societal level to ensure research sustainability.

Target Audience: This workshop consists of two types of presentations: (1) reports of recent individual research progresses on specific topics, e.g., transportation systems, building management, cybersecurity, formal synthesis, and visionary discussions, and (2) showcases of a couple of major research efforts around world on smart transportation and smart buildings. The first type of presentations may require audience to have some technical background in modeling, control and optimization, thus, suitable for researchers and senior graduate students in relevant fields. The second type of presentations is accessible to all kinds of audience, e.g., researchers, engineers and undergraduate/graduate students, due to their illustration nature with minimum technical exposures. To help registered audience better understand the presented materials, a printout of each presentation will be disseminated during the workshop.



WS08 - Communication-Aware Control and Robotics

Organizers: Arjun Muralidharan (University of California Santa Barbara, USA), Yorai Wardi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Yasamin Mostofi (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)

Speakers: Magnus Egerstedt (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Eric Frew (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Bhaskar Krishnamachari (University of Southern California, USA), Urbashi Mitra (University of Southern California, USA), Yasamin Mostofi (University of California Santa Barbara, USA), Athina Petropulu (Rutgers University, USA), Alejandro Ribeiro (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Yorai Wardi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Michael Zavlanos (Duke University, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 3

Abstract: There is a longstanding vision in academia: a team of unmanned vehicles cooperatively learning and adapting in harsh unknown environments to achieve a common goal. Since the task has to be done in a networked manner, one fundamental problem that arises in such networks is how to maintain proper connectivity and ensure a robust flow of information. Understanding this is crucial to realizing the multi-agent cooperative vision.

This necessitates a proper merger of communication and control issues. How much connectivity, for instance, is needed to achieve a given collaborative goal and how can the robots enable it through the control of motion? Wireless links can be sporadic in nature, i.e. a robot can slightly move and lose connectivity. Thus, path planning of the robots directly affect their connectivity, necessitating a joint optimization of motion control and communication issues. Properly incorporating realistic communication models into the control theoretic framework can thus bring us a step closer to realizing the vision of a team of unmanned vehicles carrying out a task in a collaborative manner, as does tackling issues lying at this intersection of control and communication.

Communication and robotics have traditionally enjoyed parallel and non-intersecting research. While this intersection has seen some activity and progress in recent years, it is still relatively unexplored and there are several interesting questions and challenges left unanswered, and more to be discovered. The goal of this workshop is to provide a holistic view of the progress made so far at this intersection of communication and robotics, highlighting recent results, while also placing the spotlight on fundamental issues and challenges that arise.

Target Audience: The main intended audience of this workshop are researchers working on multi-agent systems. We also expect it to be useful to practitioners concerned with real world implementation of robotic teams. Moreover, researchers, working in either communication or robotics, interested in utilizing concepts and ideas from the other side, would also be interested.



WS09 - Solving Large-scale Semidefinite Programs in Controls, Robotics, and Machine Learning

Organizers: Amir Ali Ahmadi (Princeton University, USA), Georgina Hall (Princeton University, USA)

Speakers: Pablo Parrilo (MIT, USA), Jean B. Lasserre (LAAS, France), Amir Ali Ahmadi (Princeton University, USA), Georgina Hall (Princeton University, USA), Antonis Papachristodoulou (Oxford University, UK), Defeng Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Robert Freund (MIT, USA), Vikas Sindhwani (Google NYC, USA), Anirudha Majumdar (Stanford University, USA), Mario Sznaier (Northeastern University, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Ironwood 2

Abstract: Several fundamental problems in dynamics and control, such as stability analysis or collision avoidance, can be addressed by a synergy of classical tools from Lyapunov theory and modern algebraic techniques in optimization. The success of algebraic methods stems from the fact that at the heart of many control problems lies the task of optimizing a polynomial function over a semialgebraic set, i.e., a set described by polynomial equations or inequalities.

Until not too long ago, such problems were believed to be intractable from a computational perspective. Around the year 2000, however, the concept of “sum of squares (sos) optimization” was developed, which showed that semialgebraic problems can often be successfully addressed by semidefinite programming (SDP) - a subclass of convex optimization problems for which global solution methods are available. This discovery impacted numerous control problems of course, but also other areas, from combinatorial optimization to game theory.

Despite this amazing progress, a single challenge has limited the horizon of possibilities for the field: scalability. Indeed, the size of the SDPs resulting from sos techniques grows quickly in the data size and this severely restricts the scale of the problems that can be efficiently and reliably solved with available SDP solvers. This drawback deprives large-scale systems of the application of algebraic techniques and shuts the door on the great opportunities that lie ahead if we could use these tools for real-time optimization.

In this workshop, after a review of fundamentals by some of the leaders of the area, a select group of researchers will give tutorials on recent exciting algorithmic innovations developed to circumvent the scalability issues encountered in SDP and sos programming. We also show how the recent more-scalable algorithms for SDP are facilitating the transfer of ideas from controls into two nearby fields of interest, robotics and machine learning.

Target Audience: This workshop is aimed at researchers with an interest in convex optimization-based approaches to nonconvex, semialgebraic problems of controls, machine learning, and robotics. The workshop comprises a review of fundamentals session at the beginning of the day. As a consequence, graduate students and junior researchers are definitely part of our target audience, though the workshop may also be of interest to more senior researchers.



WS11 - 2016 Workshop on Open Problems and Challenges in Automotive Control

Organizers: Simona Onori (Clemson University, USA)

Speakers: Luca Zaccarian (University of Trento, Italy and LAAS-CNRS, France), Stefano Di Cairano (MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA), Luigi Del Re (Johannes Kepler Universität, Austria), Hosam Fathy (PennState, USA), Antonella Ferrara (University of Pavia), Pierluigi Pisu (Clemson University, USA), Anna Stefanopoulou (University of Michigan), Mrdjan Jancovic (Ford Motor Company, USA), Giorgio Rizzoni (The Ohio State University, USA), John Shutty (BorgWarner, USA), Diana Yanakiev (Uber), Andreas Malikopoulos (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Ardalan Vahidi (Clemson University), Michael Grimble (University of Strathclyde)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 10

Abstract: Mobility impacts everyone. It is an everyday part of our life and represents personal freedom, autonomy, and accessibility. Increased mobility has transformed the landscape and cities, has created many job opportunities, but it has also brought new issues that must be addressed. These issues include traffic and increased travel time, energy consumption and pollution. The strong correlation between economic prosperity and the greater demand for energy poses the question: what would it take to sustain mobility? Vehicles in use today are predominantly powered by IC engines, but more and more electrified are being seen on the road. along with new vehicle technologies such as semi-autonomous and connected vehicles. The emergence of these new technologies helps improve energy diversity, which adds security and leads to cleaner utilization of energy. In this one day research workshop, we will provide an overview of the current state of the art, technical and technological challenges, and future research directions in sustainable transportation. Distinguished speakers from automotive industry and academia will discuss salient automotive control problems currently confronting practitioners and researchers working in sustainable mobility. The topics covered in this workshop will include advances in control and optimization applied to energy efficient, connected and automated cars, energy storage systems, engine technologies, onboard diagnostics and heavy duty vehicles. The workshop aims to provide a venue to discuss system/control challenges faced by OEMs today, to facilitate exchange of ideas between industry and academia and create a mean to establish new synergies for future research collaborations. For the first time, this workshop will be held at the CDC conference (previous editions were held at the ACC and SAE world congress) and it will benefit from the international and multi-disciplinary participation garnered by the CDC. The workshop will feature four long presentations given by industry speakers and ten presentations by academic representatives working in the automotive field. Breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks are included as a part of the program to encourage continuing discussions and networking.

IEEE CSS is a financial sponsor.

Target Audience: The target audience of the proposed workshop includes graduate students, researchers and professionals engineers, who want to have an exposure to new trends and open challenges that the automotive control community is facing.

Click here for the PDF version of the Workshop program.


WS12 - Realization Theory and its Role in System Identification

Organizers: Mihaly Petreczky, (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille, France)

Speakers: Mihaly Petreczky (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille, France), Anders Lindquist (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, KTH, Sweden), Bernard Hanzon (University College Cork, Ireland), Jan H. van Schuppen (Delft University of Technology and Van Schuppen Control Research, The Netherlands), Alessandro Chiuso (University of Padova, Italy)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 4

Abstract: The goal of this workshop is twofold. First, it aims at acquainting the audience with the role of realization theory in system identification of linear systems. This is done by presenting a number of results, both classical and recent, on realization theory of linear systems and its applications to system identification. Second, it aims at presenting realization theory and its applications for other classes of systems: finite-state stochastic systems, hybrid systems, LPV systems and some classes of non-linear systems.

The workshop is thus intended to be tutorial in nature: its goal is to present the basic ideas in a clear and accessible fashion, and to give a glimpse of various application domains.
The motivation for the workshop is the following. Realization theory plays an important role in system identification, but this role is a technical one and for this reason it is not always visible. As a result, young researchers are often not very familiar with the topic. In turn, this makes it difficult for them to use realization theory to analyze system identification methods or to come up with new one, based on realization theory. In addition, when attempts are made to develop system identification methods for systems which are not linear, for example LPV or hybrid systems, many of the standard facts, which are taken for granted for linear systems, need not remain true. Hence, in order to be able to decide which assumptions are meaningful and to be able to come up with a theoretical analysis of system identification algorithms, realization theory for these new classes of systems is needed. The workshop addresses both issues, by providing a tutorial overview of classical linear realization theory and by giving an overview of realization theory for other system classes.

Target Audience: The workshop targets researchers in control theory, especially in system identification, who would like to get acquainted with realization theory and its application to system identification. The workshop could especially be useful for young researchers, who might not have been exposed to the topic before.



WS14 - Feedback Control of Hybrid Systems

Organizers: Ricardo G. Sanfelice (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

Speakers: Francesco Ferrante, Jun Chai, Sean Phillips, and Ricardo G. Sanfelice (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Ironwood 3

Abstract: Hybrid dynamical systems, when broadly understood, encompass dynamical systems where states or dynamics can change continuously as well as instantaneously. Hybrid control systems arise when hybrid control algorithms — algorithms which involve logic, timers, clocks, and other digital devices — are applied to classical dynamical systems or systems that are themselves hybrid. Hybrid control may be used for improved performance and robustness proper- ties compared to classical control, and hybrid dynamics may be unavoidable due to the interplay between digital and analog components of a system. The proposed workshop has two main parts. The first part presents various modeling approaches to hybrid dynamics, focuses on a particular framework which combines differential equations (or inclusions) with difference equations, and presents key analysis tools. The ideas are illustrated in several applications. The second part present control design methods for such a rich class of hybrid dynamical systems, such as supervisory control, CLF-based control, invariance-based control, and passivity. A particular goal of the workshop is to reveal the key steps in carrying over such methodologies to the hybrid dynamics setting. Each proposed module/lecture is designed to present key theoretical concepts as well as applications of hybrid control of current relevance.

Target Audience: The workshop is intended to be a complete, even if brief, course on analysis and design of hybrid control systems. It will present recently developed results on robust asymptotic stability for hybrid systems (with Rafal Goebel and Andrew Teel) and recent advancements on systematic design of control algorithms for nonlinear and hybrid systems. It targets a broad audience in academia and industry, including graduate students, looking for an introduction to a new and active area of research and to some modern mathematical analysis tools; control practitioners interested in novel design techniques; and researchers in dynamical systems in pursuit of relevant applications. The required background is basic familiarity with continuous-time and discrete-time linear and nonlinear systems. The lectures will be closely related to each other and are not meant to be independent research presentations.



WS15 - Stochastic Control and Related Fields: a Workshop In Honor of the 75th Birthday of Tyrone Duncan

Organizers: Bozenna Pasik-Duncan (University of Kansas, USA), Dominique Duncan (University of Southern California, USA)

Speakers: John Baillieul (Boston University, USA), John S. Baras (University of Maryland, USA), Alain Bensoussan (University of Texas at Dallas, USA & City University of Hong Kong), Peter Caines (McGill University, USA), P.S. Krishnaprasad (University of Maryland, USA), P.R. Kumar (Texas A&M University, USA), William M. McEneaney (University of California, San Diego, USA), Sanjoy Mitter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Lukasz Stettner (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Pravin Varaiya (University of California, Berkley, USA), Allen Tannenbaum (Stony Brook University, USA), Tryphon Georgiou (University of Minnesota, USA), Gang George Yin (Wayne State University, USA), Qing Zhang (University of Georgia, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 5

Abstract: This workshop presents a wide variety of stochastic problems that use stochastic control to analyze and solve them. The importance of stochastic control to solve physical problems arises from the basic fact that most physical models have a stochastic component, for example, by the appearance of noise that describes perturbations or unmodeled dynamics of physical systems. Workshop participants are introduced to an important collection of stochastic control topics that have a wide range of applicability. The talks include foundational questions of the probabilistic models of systems, impulse control of capital models and ergodic or long range average time impulse problems, optimal transport problems on directed graphs, the control of power systems and communication networks by pricing, symmetries and conservation laws for ensemble systems, mean field games and nonlinear filtering, the use of information in estimation and stochastic control, the relation between information and topology, the control of the Schroedinger equation, asymptotic properties of nonlinear stochastic models, and trading of pairs of stocks.

Target Audience: The workshop should be of interest to researchers who wish to increase or broaden their knowledge of the possible approaches and applications of stochastic control. The talks will be given by important contributors to stochastic systems and control. Younger researchers are especially encouraged to participate to learn about the challenges and opportunities in very active fields of research. All CDC 2016 participants with their interests in stochastic systems and control are welcome to join in this special celebration.



WS17 - Perception, Control and Planning for Agile Autonomous Agents

Organizers: Panagiotis Tsiotras (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Evangelos Theodorou (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Eric Feron (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Speakers: Panagiotis Tsiotras (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Evangelos Theodorou (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Eric Feron (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Sertac Karaman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Jim Rehg (Georgia Tech, USA), Laurent Itti (University of Southern California, USA), Giuseppe Loianno (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Marco Pavone (Stanford University, USA)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 6

Abstract: Despite the great success in recent years in the area of perception and control of autonomous vehicles, most of the developed algorithms to date are limited to vehicles operating (e.g., driving or flying) at low-to-moderate speeds. Agility and maneuverability requires sensing and execution at much shorter time scales. Given these short response time scales, perception and action are becoming challenging tasks using existing route optimizers. This is especially true for small and agile UGVs and UAVs, which may not have the on-board computational capabilities (CPU and memory) to implement some of the sophisticated perception and path planning algorithms proposed in the literature thus far. Furthermore, during extreme maneuvering, the vehicle motion is coupled with data acquisition and sensing. New algorithms and methodologies are needed to tackle this problem and these methodologies most likely will span diverse areas beyond control theory: machine learning, artificial intelligence, real-time algorithms, information theory, compressive sensing, etc. Certifying and validating such algorithms is also a major challenge. The objective of this workshop is twofold: the first objective is to report on current advances in the area of perception and control to enable “aggressive agility” for autonomous agents; the second objective is to bring together - in the same room - researchers from a diverse set of disciplines (e.g., computer vision, robotics, machine learning, control, identification, communication) who are interested in this topic. Similar questions and problems are encountered (often disguised) in many other engineering applications. It is therefore imperative to start a more direct exchange of ideas and available methodologies between researchers from different fields working on similar problems.

Target Audience: Control engineers and researchers who work in sensing, planning, or real-time embedded implementations and nonlinear control synthesis; computer vision researchers interested in information-theoretic, active perception and attention mechanisms; roboticists interested in nonlinear dynamics, stochastic optimal control and closure of perception/action loops in real-time for agile agents.



WS18 - New Opportunities for Research in Systems and Control, Energy, Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems: A Workshop to Celebrate 60th Birthday of Pramod Khargonekar

Organizers: Kishan Baheti (National Science Foundation, USA), Mario Rotea (National Science Foundation, USA), Kameshwar Poolla (University of California at Berkeley, USA), Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers University, USA)

Speakers: Munzer Dahleh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), John Doyle (California Institute of Technology), Magnus Egerstedt (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Keith Glover (University of Cambridge, UK), Jessy Grizzle (University of Michigan, USA), Daniel Koditschek (University of Pennsylvania, USA), P. R. Kumar (Texas A&M University, USA), Ian Peterson (University of NSW at Canberra, Australia), Mark Spong (University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Shankar Sastry (University of California at Berkeley, USA), Allen Tannenbaum (Stony Brook University, USA), M. Vidyasagar (University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Yutaka Yamamoto (Kyoto University, JAPAN)

Time and Location: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 7

Abstract: The workshop is organized to celebrate 60th Birthday of Pramod Khargonekar to honor his contributions to the field of Systems and Control. The workshop will bring together several of his colleagues, and former students who will present a broad range of topics in different areas of systems and control. The speakers will describe progress in mathematical control theory, robust control and its impact on engineering practice. In addition recent advances and opportunities in Energy, Robotics, Smart Cities, System Biology, and Cyber-Physical Systems will be presented. The main goal of this workshop is to inspire a future generation of research leaders to pursue work that promotes excellence in the field.

Target Audience: The workshop will be of interest to CDC participants interested in recent advances in systems and control with innovative applications to grand challenges in engineering systems that will benefit the society. All CDC participants are welcome to join this celebration.

Click here for the PDF version of the Workshop program.


WS21 - Robust and Quantum Control Theory: A Workshop Dedicated to Ian R Petersen’s 60th Birthday

Organizers: Daoyi Dong (University of New South Wales, Australia), S. O. Reza Moheimani (University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Valery Ougrinovski (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Speakers: B. Ross Barmish (University of Wisconsin, USA), Matthew R. James (Australian National University, Australia), S. O. Reza Moheimani (University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Valery Ougrinovski (University of New South Wales, Australia), Alexander Lanzon (University of Manchester, UK), Andrey V. Savkin (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Time and Location: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 9

Abstract: Ian R. Petersen, a Fellow of the IEEE and the IFAC, a key figure in the development of robust and quantum control theory, and an ARC Laureate Fellow at UNSW Canberra, will turn 60 this year. We propose to celebrate this occasion with a half-day workshop. This workshop brings together 6 of his collaborators and former postdocs and students who will present a broad range of contemporary topics in different areas of systems and control theory. These talks involve: On a state-space model for matching buyers and sellers in the stock market; Linear quantum systems theory: An overview; Fast estimation of amplitude and phase in high-speed dynamic mode atomic force microscopy; On distributed robust estimation via optimization of H disagreement and minimum energy; Negative imaginary systems theory: An overview; Robust control theory framework for safe autonomous robot navigation.

Target Audience: All are welcomed to join this celebration of Professor Petersen's 60th birthday.



WS22 - Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Large-Scale Networks

Organizers: Andrea Gasparri (Università degli studi "Roma Tre", Italy), Ryan K. Williams (Virginia Tech., USA), Bruno Sinopoli (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Speakers: Bruno Sinopoli (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Mauro Franceschelli (University of Cagliari, Italy), Mihailo R. Jovanovic (University of Minnesota, USA), Karl H. Johansson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Michael M. Zavlanos (Duke University, USA), Joao Pedro Hespanha (University of California, USA), Ruggero Carli (University of Padova, Italy)

Time and Location: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Starvine 12

Abstract: Interconnected systems have become the focus of intense investigation, primarily due to the promise of adaptability and scalability compared to single-agent solutions. As recent work has demonstrated, investigations are far-reaching across various disciplines, ranging from sampling, tracking, and coverage, mobility and topology control, to general agent agreement problems. As a matter of fact, the study of interconnected systems is remarkably complex and highly susceptible to fragmentation especially due to the diversity of the research communities involved, ranging from computer science to control. Both a high level view of the fundamental topics that drive interconnected systems, and a fine-grained understanding of each topic is required to truly make progress in the field, and to provide an accessible starting point to new research. An effective approach to attain such goals would be to construct a taxonomy of interconnected systems. To this end, we have initiated a series of workshops, each addressing specific topics at the forefront of interconnected system research. For each of these topics, our goal is to identify those properties that underlie crucial, and yet common, aspects of theory and application. We believe that such a taxonomic approach may lead towards an understanding of the current open problems in each subarea, the relationships between subareas, ultimately yielding a roadmap for new researchers connecting theory and application.

This proposal represents a further step towards building such a taxonomy of interconnected systems after the first four workshops, the first held at IROS14 (, the second at ICRA15 (http: //, the third at ACC15 ( ws/acc15/), and the fourth at CDC15 ( ws/cdc15/) focused on the implications of topology, asymmetry, and partial and imperfect information in collaborative systems. In this workshop, we will focus on the difficulties arising from multi-agent networks on large scales. Scalable control paradigms represent an important area of focus for the control community, especially in recent years, in order to capture a more realistic view of interconnected systems. Indeed, next generation multi-agent networks will need to operate at the intersection of decision-making, information optimization, sensing, and mobility, all occurring at large scales with diverse degrees of interconnectivity. Specific problems arising at scale include: security; scalability; appropriate performance metrics (controllability, dependability); communication; the decentralized-centralized spectrum; synchronicity; etc. Our goal is to develop a taxonomy of control methodologies used to address large-scale networks and identify the fundamental features and open problems in this challenging setting.

As our long-term vision for the series is to truly connect workshop topics, we will incorporate notions of asymmetry, partial information, and topological control methodologies in order to relate to the previous workshops in the series. Finally, we aim to build the series across the control and robotics communities, hopefully establishing a bridge between the future requirements of multi- robot applications and novelties in multi-agent theory.

Target Audience: The goal of this workshop will be to gather researchers in the field of multi-agent systems, with particular interest in the impact of scalability on collaboration, with expertise ranging from network theory to distributed control. We also hope to connect researchers in academia, government, and industry, with interest in beginning the journey towards methodically constructing a taxonomy of interconnected systems.



WS24 - New Trends in Control of Distributed Parameter Systems

Organizers: Yann Le Gorrec (FEMTO-ST UBFC ENSMM, Besançon France), Thomas Meurer (Christian-Albrechts-Unversität of Kiel, Germany)

Speakers: Yann Le Gorrec (FEMTO-ST UBFC ENSMM, Besançon France), Thomas Meurer (Christian-Albrechts-Unversität of Kiel, Germany), Miroslav Krstic (University of California, USA)

Time and Location: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Starvine 13

Abstract: Open physical distributed parameter systems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) are more and more often encountered in modern engineering applications. It is the case for example for applications involving fluids, elasticity, plasmas, and other spatially distributed phenomena modeled by PDEs. The system theoretical formulation of such phenomena, their analysis and control are of high theoretical and practical interest. This interest, even for industrial applications, has been strengthened by the recent computational and technological progresses. From the control point of view, many results have been proposed the last 20 years for the asymptotic or exponential stabilization of PDE systems. Even if the literature on this topic is quite prolific, only few contributions attempt to deal with achievable performances and system oriented control design. The aim of this workshop is to present some of these control design techniques and to highlight recent trends as well as open research questions.
The aim of this workshop is to give an introductory overview and some basic concepts on recent control strategies developed for distributed parameters systems. This workshop focusses on three main control design strategies: flatness-based motion planning, tracking and observation, Backstepping and energy shaping. The theoretical development will be illustrated on a set of physical examples such as transmission lines, beam equations, shallow water equations, Burgers equations or reaction-transport diffusion problems including chemical processes, diffusion equation, population dynamics, etc.

Target Audience: The workshop is open to all researchers, industrials and aspiring scholars in any area of mathematics or engineering who wish to work on control of systems governed by PDEs of any kind (whether theoretical or applied).



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PaperPlaza Submission site

Key dates (2016)
Submission Site Open:January 4
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 7
Initial Submissions Due: March 15
Workshop Proposals Due:May 2
Decision Notification:End-July
Registration Opens:August 1
Final Submissions: September 23

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